5 Stones intelligence invests significant corporate capabilities in the collection and analysis of Financial intelligence. While Finance is the language of business, it is also the pathway for the international crime of Money Laundering, Terrorist Funding, and the related proliferation of economic crime. 5Si develops Client specific Financial Threat Assessments and Competitive Intelligence projections through the blended collection and analysis of various methodologies concerning Covert Payment Systems, GAAP Analysis, BMPE, Black Market Currency Trading, KYC, Geo-Political Trends, Political Influences, Data Analysis and complex associations.
Quantifying complex associations, which occur prior to fixed numerical formulas and ratios listed on Banking or Business statements, can determine the longevity of the business and subsequent exposure timelines.
5Si has access to strategically placed Sources who work within the Financial “DNA” of the International Business and Banking Communities, and related Clandestine Payment Services industry, leading to exceptional Time-Sensitive reporting.
As a result of these unique associations, 5Si analysts develop extraordinary results through the transparency and clarity of multiple collection points, which are rarely found within most Financial Intelligence Units.
Consult with your 5Si representative today, to develop a transformative perspective and capture the advantage for your company by engaging 5Si’s extraordinary financial intelligence program.