Cyber Investigative Services

Cyber intrusions and attacks have increased dramatically over the last decade, exposing sensitive personal and business information, disrupting critical operations, and imposing high costs on our economy.  Additionally, Cyberspace has proven to be a critical investigative and intelligence tool to addressing today’s most challenging national security threats.

5 Stones combines deep skills and experience in Cyber Investigations with state-of-the-art Cyber Intelligence capability to address tomorrow’s Cyber threats and provide decision makers with accurate, timely intelligence.  5 Stones Cyber Investigative Services includes:

  • Proprietary Cyber Intelligence collection, investigation and monitoring services
  • Comprehensive OSINT Research Capability
  • Semantic Language Analysis
  • Complex Social Network Analysis
  • Twitter and other Social Media Analysis
  • Cyber intel-platforms for identification, disambiguation & entity matching
  • Mapping Human Terrain & correlated data such as: Anthroponomical and Toponomical analysis and charting
  • Social Media Clustering
  • Semantic Language Analysis – Proprietary Algorithm collection & analysis
  • Internet Intelligence (OSINT) services to equip decision makers with accurate insightful and timely intelligence. Our solutions are deployed across the world, operating at the forefront of modern and emerging threats.
  • We solve complex cyber-analysis problems utilising legal open source access.
  • Cyber analysis providing investigative, surveillance, counter-surveillance solutionsand advanced Internet analysis capabilities.
  • Solutions for enhanced due-diligence, recent projects include analysing historic Twitter activity, libel, corruption, identifying criminal networks behind counterfeit websites, and conducting deep analysis and real-time reconnaissance across all mainstream social media platforms, websites and blogs to Protect Our Clients from emerging risk.

* Brand Monitoring & deep listening – Internet forensic views